
"Hispanic Legend of La Llorona" is a symbol of the short story "Dead End". La Llovana is kind of a symbol of Marie because La Llovana was madly in love with a Ranchero who came to her village. Maria was madly in love with Freankie a boy from her school. La Llovana got the Ranchero to fall in love with her and they got married and had two kids. Freankie got Maria to go on a date with him and Maria started to like him even more. Mariah told frankie she did not want to have sex with him because she did not want to be like La Llovana. I also think that Hispanic Legend of La Llorona is a symbol of "dead end" because La Llovana real name was Maria and the main character in "dead end" name is "Maria".

There was two different conflicts in the story "dead end". One of the conflicts was that Maria wanted to hang out like everyone else but she couldn't because she had to keep her family together. Instead of hanging out maria helped her little sister with her homework. The other conflict was that Freankie wanted Maria to smoke with him so that she could loosen up. Maria declined freankie offer and asked him to take her home because she did not wanna be like La Llovana. Maria told frankie that she liked him and maybe when school was out they could hang out.

The word lonely is important in these story's. Lonely is important because in "La Llovana" La Llovana was lonely because her husband always use to leave her to go out of the village. In "dead end" they said Freankie was lonely because his girlfriend died in a car accident. Maria from "dead end" also was lonely because she could nit hang out like the rest of the girls her age. In"Dead End" Maria promised her mother she would get a good education. Maria did not hang out with her friends because she wanted to keep that promise. I feel like the promise was important for her to keep because her mother died. Her mother was not allowed to get a education because she was a female so she wanted Maria to get one. Maria study hard to keep that promise to her mother even though she felt like it wasn't worth keeping sometimes because she did not have the money to get a good education.

Envy is also important in these story's. Envy is important in "Hispanic Legend of La Llorona".La Lloron envy her two kids because her husband paid more attention to them then her. Envy is important in "dead end". Maria Envy the other girls because they had nice clothen. she also envy the other gurls because they got to go out and drink party and smoke.

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